Sublime Text 1.3

February 19, 2010 by Jon Skinner All Posts

Sublime Text 1.3 is now available as a free download for registered users. If you haven't tried Sublime Text yet, now is a great time to test drive the fully functional trial.

New features in 1.3 are find in files, revamped find and replace panels that preview results as you type and accepts multi-line inputs. Also new are goto symbol, syntax highlighting support for more languages (ASP, JSP, ActionScript and YAML), speed improvements, an expanded API and more. Almost every area of functionality has been improved and polished in version 1.3.

Find in Files

Find in files can search through directories on the file system, in the current project, or across all open buffers. Full Perl style regular expressions are supported. You can step forwards and backwards through the results with F4 and Shift+F4 respectively.

Reworked Find Panel

The find and replace panels now accept multi-line inputs (Ctrl+Enter to add a new line), and will preview the results live in the buffer. There are now shortcuts for each of the find options, which you can see by hovering over the buttons.

Goto Symbol

Ad-hoc Projects

Directories can be opened as projects, via the Project/Open Directory menu or by dragging a directory onto Sublime Text from Explorer.


Thanks to all the beta testers for your feedback and testing throughout the development of version 1.3.