Sublime Text 2: New Version

January 29, 2011 by Jon Skinner All Posts

A new version of the Sublime Text 2 alpha, 20110129, is out now. This primarily addresses compatibility with Linux distributions other than Ubuntu, but I've snuck in some extra features for everyone:

  • OS X: Command+1 will select the first tab, Command+2 the second, and so on.
  • Various Goto Anything improvements, mostly notably, symbol browsing will start at the symbol closest to the cursor, and spaces are ignored when searching through files. Previously, a space would only match against a file name with a space in it.
  • Syntax highlighting for the Go programming language.
  • More!

The full list of changes is on the Sublime Text 2 page. Release announcements are generally posted on the forum, rather than the blog, so I'll be posting them there (and on twitter) after this release.